Member-only story
A Poem
I used to think
These friends were mine.
How quick it switches
From laughing on armrests
And making this a place
We can all rest
To darkened looks in corridors,
Accentuated by whispers -
Apparently, I am a liar.
How does it all tumble down
Faster than a broken elevator
As it rushes to kiss
The floor of the basement?
Did you focus on my words
And not hers?
Did you see the way she chased me
Down the hall in a rage,
As I tried to make my escape?
Do you remember
The friendship we shared
Before all of the mess
Of falling in love?
How can you blame me
For these window shattering sobs
When she left me with a simple
“I need to get my heart broken
By someone else.”
Did you forget the days before
She started getting leads?
Or is that why
You’re still riding her coattails?
Why you followed her
All the way to LA?
Is that apartment I called home
Now a frozen tomb
Filled and sealed with
All our memories
Still sitting on the kitchen bar?
Did we forget to save
The daisies trying
To push their way up
In our rush to leave behind
The spider webs and regrets?
Is there a way to thaw this,
Work it out?
It’s going to snow again
Later this week;
I wonder if I called you,
Would you be able to trade
The armor and daggers
For snowflakes on tastebuds?
To make snow angels,
Like the first few years
We celebrated finishing finals?
Would this blanket of white
Put our differences to bed?
Or will it at least leave me
With the silence I crave